
A new way to address old problems, promoting positive & sustainable change.

iPARTNER is a web based recording and reporting database, built around the FM Group best practice methodology, and is action and outcome focused for continual improvement. iPARTNER captures the diagnostic data from each side of your valued relationships and produces a series of reports on targeted aspects of the scoring to enable snapshots or in depth visibility. Outcomes and targets can be allocated and scheduled from the diagnostic responses to enhance your partner relationships.

Enhance Strategic Relationships

The principle behind iPARTNER is to add traceability, structure and metrics to valuable enterprise relationships, by comparing the perceptions from both sides of the relationship. A web system built around best practice scorecards and diagnostic reporting, iPARTNER introduces benchmarks and visibility where otherwise it's difficult to analyse, and acts as an early warning to improve areas needed urgent attention. Where there is a misalignment in perceptions or objectives of the relationship this will be highlighted in the reports to enable proactive resolution, repeatable periodically as part of a continual improvement process.

iPARTNER poses a series of diagnostic questions — Critical Success Factors (CSFs) about the specific relationship, covering several ‘dimensions’ such as Strategic, Commercial and Operational — to be answered by the responsible persons on either side; the answers provided silently score the individual's response. iPARTNER then compares the results to highlight where perceptions are aligned — and more interestingly where there is a misalignment, allowing results to be analysed by the FM team. This exercise will be repeated across key service areas, and customised to include specific criteria and follow on targets / outcomes resulting from the diagnostic and its analysis.

Provide Clarity

iPARTNER is especially strong when covering relationships that are difficult to otherwise benchmark to ensure that contract renewal isn't taken for granted.

Key features / Benefits

  • Helps maintain legal compliance and safeguards against litigation and criminal action.
  • Assists in proving due diligence.
  • Helps maintain and increase quality standards throughout your organisation.
  • Provides an internal audit of all health & safety related issues across the properties.
  • Contributes to staff review processes.
  • Provides day-to-day support for regional & line management.
  • On Demand Technology provides true remote access worldwide via any internet-enabled PC without the need for any additional hardware or software.
  • Multi-level, permission based access.
  • ‘Live’ reporting system enabling the monitoring of key performance indicators daily.